Post-colonial discourse in world literature (Risheha novel discourse analysis)

Document Type : Research Paper



Discourse analysis is one of the humanities methods which analyzes the implicit concepts of power and ideology in different contexts. This understanding is conducted through different techniques of discourse. One of the most important approaches of discourse, is Laclau and Mouffe’s which adopts the concepts such as the separation of fixed and floating signifier, articulation, moments and elements, opposition and otherness to explore the implicit purposes in the texts. In this study, by using Laclau and Mouffe’s, we tried to analyze the “roots” novel discourse to indentify the approaches in the postcolonial literature. The views of people like Edward Said, Frantz Fanon and Homi Bhabha explain and interpret the post-colonial discourse analysis that would help us in this article. The main objective of this study is to determine the effective signifiers on the dispute between the two discourses: colonial and slavery. The novel, studies on several elements of American culture colonial and colonial African culture and their different.Slabs floating through the articulation of a discourse that is considered Laclau and Mouffe through a chain of equivalence to the original slab or nodes-are connected. In fact, each of these slabs of by the clamp in place and revolves around a specific discourse, its meaning is fixed and everything in this area of discussion diversity rather than be rejected and the discursive field drives. Evidence such as racism, modernity, wisdom, slavery and forced US language and culture around the nodes main articulation of colonial and colonial discourse of the day skeptics.
